Public Seminar “50 Years since the Tram – the History of Tram Culture in Turku and Europe” in the Finnish Media

On 1 October 2022, it was 50 years since the final tram line closed in Turku, Finland. To mark the occasion, PUTSPACE members Silja Laine, Aleksandra Ianchenko and Adam Borch organized a public seminar on the topic “50 Years since the Tram – the History of Tram Culture in Turku and Europe” (in Finnish “50 vuotta raitsikasta – Raitiotiekulttuurin historiaa Turussa ja Euroopassa”) at Åbo Akademi University (Arken, Fabriksgatan 2, Turku)

The seminar was covered by the Finnish media in the following places:

Press Release

Turun Museokeskus, “50 vuotta raitsikasta – Raitiotiekulttuurin historiaa Turussa ja Euroopassa” (26.9.2022) -> online


Aamuset, “Raitsikkaliikenne päättyi Turussa 50 vuotta sitten” (26.9.2022) -> online

Åbo Underrättelser, “50 år sedan sista spårvagnen drog genom Åbo – program om spårvagnstrafik på lördag i Åbo” (26.9.2022) -> online / hardcover

Online Media

YLE, “50 vuotta sitten lakkautettua ratikkaa muistellaan Turussa lauantaina – tutkija: “Se oli keskeinen osa turkulaista kaupunkikulttuuria”” (1.10.2022) -> online


YLE Radio Suomi, “Turun raitiovaunuliikenne päättyi 50 vuotta sitten”, Interview with Silja Laine (28.9.2022) -> online

In conjunction with the seminar, Aleksandra Ianchenko and Adam Borch also organized a small exhibition entitled “Trams: More then Transport”. The exhibition was on display in the lobby of Arken (Fabriksgatan 2, Turku), the building housing the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology at Åbo Akademi University from 30 September to 7 October 2022.

Beyond Aleksandra Ianchenko and Adam Borch, the exhibition included contributions from Giada Peterle, Jason Finch, Sonio Ringoot, Wladimir Sgibnev and Tonio Weicker. Translations were done by Lucas Westerholm.

Below are a selection of photos of the exhibition and the seminar.